Monday, February 11, 2008


It seems everybody should know this (Riskay ft. Aviance) tune by now, and this vid IS NOT the official one. But still, confusing and worth viewing.

There's also uber-nerdy version, something it's equally as hard to see as it was probably for this guy to perform it. Oh boy.

If that's not enough yet, I'll throw something which is finally more serious. Real black hermeneutics here, ladies and gents.

Concluding on olfactory control topic, there's this Bmore version by Gold Brix, though I swear I can hear traces of old FunkNeurotico tune called "Feira De Acari" (guess it had something to do with DJ Marlboro). Or maybe I got it totally wrong, who knows?

Riskay - Smell Yo Dick (Gold Brix Remix)

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